Deep Diving [Okinawa] - JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSE

JAPAN FROM ABOVE splashes down in the waters off Japan’s westernmost island Yonagunijima in Okinawa, where freediver Ryuzo Shinomiya explores mysterious underwater rock formations which some believe resemble ancient ruins. This program is a co-production between NHK, Gedeon Programmes, ZDF Arte, and Voyage. Gaze upon more JAPAN FROM ABOVE here! Please subscribe HERE:

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[レキデリ] 東京03が探る!蝦夷錦はどこから来た? | 歴史デリバリー | NHK

Phuong Anh Dao Climbs Mt. Asahidake [Phương Anh Đào] - A*B*C Tours

大好評につき「ULTRAMAN GALLERY ウルトラマンゼロ15周年〜Beyond the STARS〜」大阪・福岡でも開催決定!