Why Japanese Girls Can't Eat Pizza
エピソードタイトル: Why Japanese Girls Can't Eat Pizza によって生産: Ask Japanese 説明: Forget the idea of pizza parties when coming to Japan. Japanese girls will tell us this time why a good Japanese girl should never eat a whole pizza. Not only is Japanese pizza more expensive, it is also not a thing to have on your own and it is surrounded by feelings of guilt. (^ω^)Subscribe to us please!!: http://www.youtube.com/c/AskJapanese?sub_confirmation=1 (^ω-)Related video: https://youtu.be/B-3pRI-mK1I (ΦωΦ) CathyCat's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/canudoitcosplaygirl CathyCat's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canudoitcat/?hl=en (●ↀωↀ●)✧ Ask Japanese is interviewing Japanese and foreigners in Japan about life in Japan, dating Japanese, travel tips, tasty foods, anime, manga and more. Through our interviews, we try to bring Japanese culture to the world! (=✧ω✧=) If you plan to travel or live in Japan, we feature many topics about life in Japan and where to travel to. We ask Japanese g...