Path of Pilgrimage [Shikoku] - JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSE

JAPAN FROM ABOVE breezes through Shikoku, where octogenarian couple Masanao and Saeko Tsujimoto are on the verge of completing a historic 1,200 km Buddhist temple pilgrimage for the 4th time. This program is a co-production between NHK, Gedeon Programmes, ZDF Arte, and Voyage. Gaze upon more JAPAN FROM ABOVE here! Please subscribe HERE:

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[レキデリ] 東京03が探る!蝦夷錦はどこから来た? | 歴史デリバリー | NHK

Phuong Anh Dao Climbs Mt. Asahidake [Phương Anh Đào] - A*B*C Tours

大好評につき「ULTRAMAN GALLERY ウルトラマンゼロ15周年〜Beyond the STARS〜」大阪・福岡でも開催決定!