Japan VS Thai: Japanese on what surprised them in Thailand

エピソードタイトル: Japan VS Thai: Japanese on what surprised them in Thailand
によって生産: Ask Japanese
説明: Japanese celebrities tell us today what surprised them when they visited Thailand during the Japan Expo Thailand event in Bangkok. Check those awesome people!! ■Amazing singer! Misono https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9Fxep-K3gJF41rqFKE9Nw https://twitter.com/misonoch https://www.instagram.com/misono_koda_official/?hl=ja ■Coolest illustrator! Hiroyuki Mitsume Takahashi https://www.mitsume.co/ https://twitter.com/3eyes_takahashi?lang=en https://www.instagram.com/3eyestakahashi/?hl=en ■Awesome YouTubers! Jikkendojo https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFYwGGcs5qvLoYy5hcxZaWg Japan Expo Thailand http://japanexpothailand.com/ http://gyucreative.com/ *NOTICE ME!!* SUBTITLES for ALL VIDEOS!! Please click the settings and activate your subtitles!! ▶SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE VIDEOS!! http://www.youtube.com/c/AskJapanese?sub_confirmation=1 ★ CATHY CAT'S JAPAN VLOG CHANNEL IS HERE ★ https://www.youtube.com/user/Canudoitcosplaygirl?sub_confirmation=1




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