Finding Family in Poland, with my Dad!

エピソードタイトル: Finding Family in Poland, with my Dad!
によって生産: Simon and Martina
説明: I’ve never been to Poland with my father. And so, when he told me he was going in May to get some paperwork done, I decided I’d join him, so that he could show me his hometown, and introduce me to his side of the family that I never met. In the meanwhile, I learned a lot of cool things about my dad and my relatives. Also, this was my first trip without Martina...ever! And Martina got me a little something to help me from melting down. Check out our extra scenes to learn a bit more: Want to see more of my dad? He’s been in some great videos. Check em out here! Subscribe for more videos: ☞ Like what we’re doing and want to show your support? 🌈 Join the Rainbow Ladder Support Team! ☞ ☞ ☞ For more information about this video check out: ☞ Get cozy in our hoodies, t-shirts, hats, and more ☞ #Poland #Warsaw #Europe




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