Easy Japanese for Work #9: Asking questions using keego - やさしい日本語

エピソードタイトル: Easy Japanese for Work #9: Asking questions using keego - やさしい日本語
説明: This episode is about asking questions using polite Japanese, "keego." Irving Armenta-san, from Mexico, has trouble with "keego." As a college student, he became a fan of a Japanese singer. To understand her songs, he attended a Japanese language school. Irving-san has no trouble with daily conversation. He works at an IT company with a casual atmosphere, where "keego" is not quite necessary. But soon, Irving-san will begin working at the clients' office 2 days a week. He will need to improve his "keego!" Improve you workplace Japanese skills with more free lessons! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/easyjapaneseforwork/ Please subscribe HERE: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSPEjw8F2nQDtmUKPFNF7_A?sub_confirmation=1




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