How to Make the Best Beef Gyudon in the Universe

エピソードタイトル: How to Make the Best Beef Gyudon in the Universe
によって生産: Simon and Martina
説明: How do you make the best Gyudon in Japan? IN THE WORLD?! By using only the finest ingredients. None of these cheap, five minute recipes for beef rice bowls. This here is around $50 --- PER BOWL. This ain't your grandma's Gyudon. This is beef, rice, onions, and egg, the likes that YouTube hasn't seen before. This is the Lebron James of Gyudons. Let me show you what it's all about. The recipe is simple enough to follow. But I'll add it here again: - 200-300 grams of thinly sliced Matsusaka Beef - 1 Cup freshly cooked white rice - 1 Kurofuji Organic Egg Yolk - Half an onion, sliced - Spoonful of chopped Garlic - Spoonful of chopped Ginger - Tare sauce (however much you want big boy) - Checkerboard of Kewpie Mayo - Enough green onions to make it rain - Some pickled ginger on the side If you can't find premade Tare sauce, no worries. It's simple enough to make. Just mix equal parts sugar, sake, mirin, and soy sauce. Start with three spoons of each. Mix that all up. Seems like enough? Good! Not enough? Add more and mix up again. Subscribe for more videos: ☞ Like what we’re doing and want to show your support? 🌈 Join the Rainbow Ladder Support Team! ☞ ☞ ☞ For more information about this video check out: ☞ Get cozy in our hoodies, t-shirts, hats, and more ☞ BABY WHEN YOU MOVE YOUR BODAY! Like our music? Get it here: ☞ #Japan #Gyudon #Beef




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