Easy Japanese for Work #18: Politely explaining rules - やさしい日本語

エピソードタイトル: Easy Japanese for Work #18: Politely explaining rules - やさしい日本語
説明: Improve you workplace Japanese skills with more free lessons! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/easyjapaneseforwork/?cid=wohk-yt-1910-ezjw18-hp Learn more about Japan at NHK WORLD-JAPAN! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/?cid=wohk-yt-1910-ezjw18-hp Today: politely explaining rules. Dinh Thanh Huyen, from Vietnam, moved to Japan 3 years ago. She works as a care worker at a care facility in Ibaraki Prefecture. Dinh-san must often communicate directly with residents' family members. She wants to keep their feelings in mind while still relaying the facility's rules -- a task that requires a high level of Japanese ability! She will tackle a role-play challenge where she explains facility rules to the family of a new resident.




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