Tackling Childhood Obesity in Vietnam - BIZ STREAM

エピソードタイトル: Tackling Childhood Obesity in Vietnam - BIZ STREAM
説明: Like what you see? Watch the full program on NHK WORLD-JAPAN’s free on-demand service! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/2074053/?cid=wohk-yt-1910-bzs1019a-hp Watch more NHK WORLD-JAPAN programs here! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/?cid=wohk-yt-1910-bzs1019a-hp Parents and educators in Vietnam are concerned about the acute increase of childhood obesity in the nation. Japanese sporting equipment giant Mizuno is trying to spark change with a unique program they call "hexathlon." Increased wealth in Vietnam has led to a rise in childhood obesity. Japanese sporting goods manufacturer Mizuno is looking to reverse the trend with their unique exercise system for urban schools.




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