How I Lost 20 Pounds and Changed My Life

エピソードタイトル: How I Lost 20 Pounds and Changed My Life
によって生産: Simon and Martina
説明: I've made a lot of big changes this year, and in the process, I also lost 20 pounds. I'm going to talk about the new habits I've made, where I was then and where I am now, and how each step helped me get closer to a sense of wellness. Links to the resources below: Subscribe for more videos: ☞ Like what we’re doing and want to show your support? 🌈 Join the Rainbow Ladder Support Team! ☞ Here are some of the things I reference in this video, none of which have paid for or supported this video in any way. These are just things that I use: For sleeping, here's the book "Why We Sleep": ☞ For running, here's the Nike Run App. Listen to some of the runs with Coach Bennet. He's the cat's meow: ☞ For meditation, I'm using the Waking Up App. The lessons made sense to me, and I didn't find him as breathy and annoying as other narrators in other apps ☞ ☞ ☞ Get cozy in our hoodies, t-shirts, hats, and more ☞ BABY WHEN YOU MOVE YOUR BODAY! Like our music? Get it here: ☞ #intermittentfasting #mindfulness #running




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