Japan Kagoshima Cuisine - Eric Meal Time #421 | Ericsurf6

エピソードタイトル: Japan Kagoshima Cuisine - Eric Meal Time #421
によって生産: Ericsurf6
説明: Restaurant info in Tokyo: https://honke-kanoya.com/ Kagoshima's cuisine is also known as Satsuma Cuisine (薩摩料理, Satsuma Ryōri) after the old name of Kagoshima Prefecture. It is one of the most distinct local cuisines because of Kagoshima's isolated location at the southern end of Kyushu. Satsumaage is one of the most famous dishes of Kagoshima. It mostly consists of a paste of minced fish that is then deep fried. The type of fish used in the paste can vary, but is often bonito, mackerel or sardines. Some other ingredients are also included in small quantities to add a bit of flavor, such as pickled ginger and vegetables. Kibinago is a small herring fish that is typically served raw as sashimi with a vinegared soybean paste. Sometimes called "silver sprat" in English, kibinago are about 10 centimeters long and are often used as bait for tuna. Kurobuta and Kuroushi literally mean, respectively, "black pork" and "black beef". The name comes from the color of the animal's skin, not from the actual meat itself. The Kurobuta are Berkshire pork that were originally imported to Kagoshima about 400 years ago, while the Kuroushi were bred in Kagoshima. Shochu is a clear, distilled liquor with an alcohol content of about 25%, that is popular across Japan, but especially in Kyushu. The shochu that is unique to Kagoshima is made from local sweet potatoes (Satsumaimo). ---------- ►Subscribe for New Videos Wednesday & Saturday: https://www.youtube.com/ericsurf6?sub... ---------- ►Join Team Get Some: https://www.patreon.com/ericsurf6 - See the reward levels for your Support. Thanks to ALL Patrons for your support & special thanks to Johnny Cearley. ---------- Follow me / Friend me: ►Instagram: https://instagram.com/ericsurf6 ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ericsurf6Cha... ---------- Ericsurf6 Channel: Check Playlists of WHAT YOU MAY LIKE: ►ERIC MEAL TIME: https://goo.gl/VX6iwH ►ERIC VLOG TIME: https://goo.gl/EK82Az ►ERIC CHALLENGE TIME: https://goo.gl/k1wih3 ►GUY-IN-A-SUIT SEASON 2: https://goo.gl/QaCDzf ►JAPAN FOODS: https://goo.gl/J662EG ►WORLD FOODS: https://goo.gl/eoBPPJ ►MEALS w/MY SONS: https://goo.gl/3c6BU9 ►ASK ERICSURF6 (Q&A): https://goo.gl/VBvdGh ----------




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