Traveling in Japan with Luca Nicora and special guest Danjo:

エピソードタイトル: Traveling in Japan with Luca Nicora and special guest Danjo:
説明: 【Audition Entry #3-2】 If we had to describe Japan in one word, it would be: pragmatism. Every details of the Japanese daily life seems to have been though trough. In this episode, host Luca Nicora explores what makes traveling so easy and convenient in Japan. Find more about the host on social media: Instagram: @lucanicora Website: YouTube channel: Luca Doesn’t Get It *The new channel MC audition for WAO-RYU! ONLY in JAPAN is now in the final stage. Out of more than 200 applicants, 4 finalists were selected through interviews in the second screening.We asked them to produce 2 videos with a budget of 100,000 yen. The theme of the videos is "BENRI(便利)“ in Japan. BENRI does not only mean convenience, but also has a wide range of meanings such as "useful" and "helpful" things, materials, facilities, location etc... What does "BENRI" mean to our finalist? Please look forward to their interpretation of Benri, and how they have put a lot of planning to show and create their full potential on the theme. *Entry number is in order of their audition entry.




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