Webinar for Online Researcher and Research Resources Sharing

エピソードタイトル: Webinar for Online Researcher and Research Resources Sharing
によって生産: JST Channel
説明: Facilitating cross-country networking between researchers is a common goal among the funding agencies of the e-ASIA Joint Research Program (e-ASIA JRP), especially in order to enable them to find collaborators for project proposals for e-ASIA JRP calls, which require research consortia including researchers from three or more countries. Making greater use of online resources to find researchers based in other countries may be useful in finding potential collaborators with similar research interests, something which prompted the e-ASIA JRP Program Secretariat to launch a survey among the e-ASIA member organizations regarding the availability of such resources. As an outcome of this survey, this webinar will (i) outline the availability of such online resources in each country, (ii) explain how researchers can use these resources to effectively search for potential collaborators and (iii) discuss the possible collaboration of these resources.




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