Otaru: Herring and Glassware — Keeping Alive the Tradition - Journeys in Japan

エピソードタイトル: Otaru: Herring and Glassware — Keeping Alive the Tradition - Journeys in Japan
説明: [Skip Intro] 1:18 Watch more full episodes of Journeys in Japan on NHK WORLD-JAPAN! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/program/video/journeys/?cid=wohk-yt-2105-jij436-hp More quality content available on NHK WORLD-JAPAN! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/?cid=wohk-yt-2105-jij436-hp Reel in the years of tradition and prosperity of Otaru, a Hokkaido port town that netted unimaginable profits due to their huge herring catches. While the seas are gradually bouncing back from overfishing, extravagant historic buildings and artisinal glassware, originally used as fishing floats, remain reminders of the area's affluent past.




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