Photo by Jie Zhang on Unsplash

The time to face your fate and duty has come

From here you shall bear light and break into darkness

For sure, someone will sound like they’re waiting

The Milky Way extending into the distance

Swear justice upon the light of your shining arms

Your name is Ultraman Zero (Zero! Zero!)

The time has come to face true kindness

If battles and hate are overcome, darkness will someday turn to light

Surely, definitely, someone is looking

Even in painful times you’re not alone (someday everyone will)

Swear justice upon the light of your shining arms

Your name is Ultraman Zero (Zero! Zero!)

For sure, someone will sound like they’re waiting

The Milky Way extending into the distance (convey, emotions)

Swear justice upon the light of your arms shining blue

Your name is Ultraman Zero (Zero! Zero! Zero!)

Surely, definitely, someone is looking

Even in painful times you’re not alone (someday everyone will)

Don’t let go of that shining hand

Your name is (call out your name)

Ultraman Zero (Zero! Zero!)



[レキデリ] 東京03が探る!蝦夷錦はどこから来た? | 歴史デリバリー | NHK

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大好評につき「ULTRAMAN GALLERY ウルトラマンゼロ15周年〜Beyond the STARS〜」大阪・福岡でも開催決定!