ULTRASEVEN Episode 28 "Sprint 700km!" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program

ULTRASEVEN Episode 28 "Sprint 700km!" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program
【subscribe】→ http://m-78.jp/ultrach/ Official Global HP: https://tsuburaya-prod.com/ Official English Platform: https://ultramanconnection.com Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsuburayaglobal/ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuburayaglobal 『ウルトラセブン』第28話「700キロを突っ走れ!」 ★STORY↓ The high-specification gunpowder "Spyner" developed by the Terrestrial Defense Force was attacked while being transported to the test site. The Ultra Guard was to carry the gunpowder by being part of the rally. Dan and Amagi got on duty, but mysterious aliens caught this information and relentlessly attack their car. They succeed to transfer the gunpowder but when the experiment was about to start, dinosaur tank suddenly appeared in front of them! ------------------------ Suit up with a comfy graphic T-shirt, long-tee, or sweatshirt featuring Ultraseven! Visit Ultraman Store on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ultraman?channel=ytb

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