ULTRASEVEN Episode 29 "The Earthling all Alone" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program

ULTRASEVEN Episode 29 "The Earthling all Alone" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program
【subscribe】→ http://m-78.jp/ultrach/ Official Global HP: https://tsuburaya-prod.com/ Official English Platform: https://ultramanconnection.com Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsuburayaglobal/ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuburayaglobal 『ウルトラセブン』第29話「ひとりぼっちの地球人」 ★STORY↓ Kyonan University had successfully launched a scientific satellite for educational use, but the Terrestrial Defense Forces had strong doubts about this. Soga finds out that a boy named Ichinomiya is involved in this through his fiancé, Saeko, who is enrolled at the college. The aim of physics Professor Niwa, who Ichinomiya admires, was to bring back the strategy document to his home planet. Ultraseven and Alien Prote battles at the midnight campus. ------------------------ Suit up with a comfy graphic T-shirt, long-tee, or sweatshirt featuring Ultraseven! Visit Ultraman Store on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ultraman?channel=ytb

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