ULTRASEVEN Episode 33 "The Invading Dead" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program

ULTRASEVEN Episode 33 "The Invading Dead" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program
[subscribe]→ http://m-78.jp/ultrach/ Official Global HP: https://tsuburaya-prod.com/ Official English Platform: https://ultramanconnection.com Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsuburayaglobal/ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuburayaglobal 『ウルトラセブン』第33話「侵略する死者たち」 ★STORY↓ A Microfilm containing information on the secret bases of the Defense Forces around the world was transported to the Far East Base. Around the same time, bizarre traffic accidents had occured frequently around the Defense Base. The victims were all unidentified corpses, and someone had resuscitated them and manipulated them. That night, the spirit came out of the recovered corpse and began to take out the microfilm from the safe! ------------------------ Suit up with a comfy graphic T-shirt, long-tee, or sweatshirt featuring Ultraseven! Visit Ultraman Store on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ultraman?channel=ytb

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