ULTRASEVEN Episode 37 "The Stolen Ultra Eye" -Official- | 55th Anniversarys program

ULTRASEVEN Episode 37 "The Stolen Ultra Eye" -Official- | 55th Anniversary’s program
[subscribe]→ http://m-78.jp/ultrach/ Official Global HP: https://tsuburaya-prod.com/ Official English Platform: https://ultramanconnection.com Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsuburayaglobal/ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuburayaglobal 『ウルトラセブン』第37話「盗まれたウルトラ・アイ」 ★STORY↓ Dan was in pursuit of a flying sauser entering Earth, when the little girl Maya on board suddenly attacked him and stole his Ultra Eye. Alien Magellan attempted to seal Ultraseven and destroy Earth with an Interplanetary Ballistic Missile. While Maya waits for someone to take her back home, Dan informs her that she has been deserted here on Earth... ------------------------ Suit up with a comfy graphic T-shirt, long-tee, or sweatshirt featuring Ultraseven! Visit Ultraman Store on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGYS4FNS?channel=ytb

For more information or to watch video on YouTube, click here.



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