ULTRAMAN TARO EP 33 "Five Seconds Before the Great Explosion of the Land of Ultra!" [Multi Sub]

ULTRAMAN TARO EP 33 "Five Seconds Before the Great Explosion of the Land of Ultra!" [Multi Sub]
[subscribe]→ http://m-78.jp/ultrach/ Official Global HP: https://tsuburaya-prod.com/ Official English Platform: https://ultramanconnection.com Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsuburayaglobal/ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuburayaglobal 『ウルトラマンT』第33話「ウルトラの国大爆発5秒前!」 ★STORY↓ ZAT's Sky Whale investigates the whereabouts of several missing ships. However, the island they land on is actually the shell of Giant Crab Monster Ganza. The incidents they were investigating turns out to be the work of Ganza. To make the situation worse, Giant Octopus Monster Tagarl appears too and... #ultramantaro #ウルトラマンタロウ

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